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Providing the CMS Core​

Initialize the CMS Context Provider

import React from 'react'
import { render } from 'react-dom'

import initializeStarkCMS from '@Core/AppState'
import { Page, Menu, User, Editor, Block } from '@Domain/index'

// Add new services here
const cms = initializeStarkCMS([Block, Menu, Page, User, Editor])

<CMSProvider cms={cms}>
<App />


In the docs we are using the following terms for the parts of a flow:

  • Node: A node is a draggable block that can be connected with other nodes.
  • Edge: An edge is a connection between two nodes.
  • Handle: A handle is a kind of port of a node that is used to connect nodes. You start a connection at a handle and end it on another one.
  • Connection Line: The connection line is the line that gets drawn while you connect two nodes with each other.

Handling Data​


Adding data​

Adding a Page with Blocks and header and footer Menus while initializing

const cms = initializeStarkCMS([Block, Menu, Page, User, Editor])

// Adds Page to CMS containing three also registered blocks
title: 'Home',
id: '1',
childs: [
id: '1',
type: 'Hero1'
id: '10',
type: 'Features1'
id: '2',
type: 'Footer1'

// Service used as a constant
const Menus = cms.getService('Menus')

// Adds Header Menu
title: 'HauptmenΓΌ',
id: 'main',
items: [
{ target: '', newTab: false, title: 'Home' },
{ target: '', newTab: false, title: 'Studio' },
{ target: '', newTab: false, title: 'Kurse' },
{ target: '', newTab: false, title: 'Kontakt' }

// Adds Footer Menu
title: 'Footer',
id: 'footer',
items: [
{ target: '', newTab: false, title: 'Impressum' },
{ target: '', newTab: false, title: 'Datenschutz' },
{ target: '', newTab: false, title: 'Anfahrt' },
{ target: '', newTab: false, title: 'Kontakt' }

Getting data​

Adding a Page with Blocks and header and footer Menus while initializing.

const pageId = '1'

const Pages = cms.getService('Pages')
const Page = Pages.getEntity(pageId)

Updating data​

Best Practice

Change the entities attribute via an provided method by itself

Since every Service uses a Storage which basically returns entities as an ES6 Proxy, you will be able to changes the Entity simply by changing the property after .getEntity().

const FooterMenu = cms.getService('Menus').getEntity('footer')

// Changing the Entities attribute will update its value system-wide
FooterMenu.title = 'New Title'

// When the Footer Entity has defined the action it is preferred to use it!
FooterMenu.changeTitle('New Title')

Subscribing data​

Unsubscribing is optional

The CMS will unsubscribe from the listener when the component gets unmounted.

Since every Service uses a Storage which basically returns entities as an ES6 Proxy, you will be able to changes the Entity simply by changing the property after .getEntity().

const FooterMenu = cms.getService('Menus').getEntity('footer')


// Or if needed you can use the unsubscribe method returned.
// Note: before the component unmounts, the unsubscribe method will be called automatically by the cms
const unsubscribeFooter = FooterMenu.subscribe()


Services are a way to bundle different behavior's for any expected use case to be accessed from everywhere in the system.

Creating a Service​